Profitability ratios measure how profitable a company is and are used to assess its performance and efficiency. Based on the income statement and balance sheet of a company, these ratios are calculated. In terms of profitability ratios, there are several types, each providing a different viewpoint.Read more
Profitability ratios measure how profitable a company is and are used to assess its performance and efficiency. Based on the income statement and balance sheet of a company, these ratios are calculated.
In terms of profitability ratios, there are several types, each providing a different viewpoint.
The following are some common profitability ratios:
Gross profit margin: This ratio measures the percentage of revenue that remains after the cost of goods sold has been deducted. Producing and selling efficiently is indicated by this metric.
Net profit margin: An organization’s net profit margin is the portion of revenue left after all expenses have been deducted. A company’s profitability is measured by this indicator.
Return on assets (ROA): This ratio measures how profitable a company’s assets are. In other words, it indicates how effectively a company generates profits from its assets.
Return on equity (ROE): This ratio measures the profitability of a company’s equity. It shows how effectively a company generates profits from its shareholders’ investments.
Analysts and investors use profitability ratios to evaluate a company’s performance and profitability ability.
An investor or analyst can evaluate a company’s relative strength and identify potential opportunities or risks by comparing its profitability ratios with its peers or its industry averages.
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Ledger posting As we know, a business records all of its transactions in the journal. After the transactions are recorded in the journal, they are posted in the principal book called ‘Ledger’. Transferring the entries from journals to respective ledger accounts is called ledger posting or posting toRead more
Ledger posting
As we know, a business records all of its transactions in the journal. After the transactions are recorded in the journal, they are posted in the principal book called ‘Ledger’. Transferring the entries from journals to respective ledger accounts is called ledger posting or posting to the ledger accounts. Balancing of ledgers is carried out to find differences at the year’s end.
Posting to the ledger account means entering information in the ledger, and respective accounts from the journal for individual records. The accounts that are credited are posted to the credit side and vice versa.
Ledger maintenance is done at the end of an accounting period and it’s maintained to reflect a permanent summary of all the journal accounts. In the end, all the accounts that are entered and operated in the ledger are closed, totaled, and balanced. Balancing the ledger means finding the difference between the debit and credit amounts of a particular account.
While posting to the ledger account, suppose goods were bought for cash. While passing the journal entry, we’ll be debiting the purchases a/c and crediting the cash a/c by stating it as, ‘To Cash A/c’.
Now, this entry will be affecting both the purchases account and the cash account. In the cash account, we’ll be debiting purchases. Whereas in the purchases account, we’ll be crediting the cash. That’s how it works in the double-entry bookkeeping system of accounting.
Mr. Tony Stark started the business with cash of $100,000 on April 1, 2021. He bought furniture for business for $15,000. He further purchased goods for $75,000.
Now, we’ll be journalizing the transactions and posting them into the ledger accounts.
Journal Entries
Posting to Ledger Account
Cash A/c
Capital A/c
Furniture A/c
Purchases A/c