When a loan is taken from a person by a business, there is an asset and liability being created. Cash is being brought into the business which increases the asset whereas the financial obligation of the company rises when a loan is taken and hence a liability increases. For example, Mark Ltd. has taRead more
When a loan is taken from a person by a business, there is an asset and liability being created. Cash is being brought into the business which increases the asset whereas the financial obligation of the company rises when a loan is taken and hence a liability increases.
For example, Mark Ltd. has taken a loan from John for $5,000. Therefore the journal entry can be shown as:
According to the modern rules of accounting, increase in assets is Debit and increase in liability is credit. The company may have taken the loan to finance its business or for some emergency. When it is time for the business to pay off the loan, they can either pay it off completely or in instalments. They must pay off the principal amount along with interest.
Now for our above example, if Mark Ltd paid off the entire loan after one year at 10% interest, then the journal entry would be:
Here, the interest on loan account is debited since an increase in expense is debited. Loan account will be debited because the obligation is now reduced and hence liability decreases. Finally, we credit cash since cash is leaving the business which implies a decrease in assets.
If the entire loan is not paid off in that year, then the balance of the loan amount will be shown in the balance sheet under the head liabilities.
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When a partnership firm decides to admit a new partner into their firm, the old partners have to forego a part of their share for the new partner. Therefore, sacrificing Ratio is the proportion in which the existing partners of a company give up a part of their share for the new partner. The partnerRead more
When a partnership firm decides to admit a new partner into their firm, the old partners have to forego a part of their share for the new partner. Therefore, sacrificing Ratio is the proportion in which the existing partners of a company give up a part of their share for the new partner. The partners can choose to forego their shares equally or in an agreed proportion.
Before admission of the new partner, the existing partners would be sharing their profits in the old ratio. Upon admission, the profit-sharing ratio would change to accommodate the new partner. This would give rise to the new ratio. Hence Sacrificing ratio formula can be calculated as:
Sacrificing Ratio = Old Ratio – New Ratio
To further understand the formula, let’s say Bruce and Barry are sharing a pizza of 6 slices equally (3 slices each). They decide to share their pizza with Arthur such that they all get equal slices (2 slices each). Hence, we can use the formula to calculate their sacrifice as follows:
Bruce’s sacrifice = 3 – 2 = 1 slice
Barry’s sacrifice = 3 – 2 = 1 slice
Therefore, their sacrificing ratio = 1:1. In this same way, we can solve various problems to calculate the sacrifice of partners during a change in their profit sharing ratio.
For example, Joshua and Edwin are partners, sharing profits in the ratio 7:3. They admit Adam into their partnership such that the new profit-sharing ratio is 5:2:3. Therefore, their sacrificing ratio can be calculated as:
Joshua’s sacrifice = old share – new share = 7/10 – 5/10 = 2/10
Edwin’s sacrifice = old share – new share = 3/10 – 2/10 = 1/10
Hence, sacrificing ratio of Joshua and Edwin is 2:1. Once the denominators are equal, we ignore them and only consider numerators while showing sacrificing ratio.
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